And the bonus was a new boy, Armin.
Armin is very special to me, being the FIFTH in her family to attend Almanar. The first four are his elder sisters, three of which have gone for further studies. He is the only boy in his family and one with the best UPSR results – 5As. For the parents to continue the tradition of having their children attending Almanar, it shows a vote of confidence, making it a personal record for Pakcik, credited with five siblings going through this humble tuition class ; the previous record stood at four siblings.
So despite the heavy sea within sight of Almanar, it is class as usual. And Pakcik will plod on.
Berkhidmat kerana Tuhan untuk kemanusiaan.
Aaah...the boys have come. Maybe they were just scared of the bad weather. So, Pakcik, your perseverance is paying off. purrr....meow!
Sdr.Hassan, News like this really made me happy. It is such contribution from our generation to the kids who really need such education that made the difference. To me education is more important that indoctrination that kids get at the school from time to time.
As to the weather, in actually fact I do miss the tengkujoh. Take care.
Dear Pakcik,
I'm glad. Repeat attendance from the siblings of just one family speaks volumes. The boys, though a handful, are back.The way to go is up. Wishing them well, and may all their dreams come true.
On another note, Akhi Norzah had earlier extended his poem to me. With his permission I had then posted it in my new blog, 'Rainbow' at:
To please peruse and check it out!
Many look for excuses not to attend class, rain is one. Otherwise, one of them will tell that her/his friend has 'sakit perut', a famous one. I Wonder what a cat's is.
Sdr Pak Idrus,
You miss tengkujoh. I have not heard one say that, Pak Idrus. Many would want to rid of it. That being the case, how about a posting in your new blog, reminiscing on this wet subject?
Happy blogging, sir.
I have been following your old as well as the new blog. But I find it extremely difficult to give a suitable response other than 'I like it' or 'that is beautiful' tc, sounding very mechanical. I notice the number of your fans steadily increasing since you went into poetry. Keep going my friend.
pakchik, i would imagine a cat would say that it had died and is now back on the subsequent number of its 9 lives...
Dear Pakcik
What a wonder news. When I met two of your students when I visited I told them how lucky they were and that they should take full advantage of Pakcik's tuition classes. Free doesn't mean poor quality!!!
Salam to you both.
Glad to know that you will chug along as long as there is some need for what you can offer. Allah has overcame your anxiety on the number of students attending your class.. almost immediately.
My 'project' will insyaAllah be on the road again should the three integrated projects we are currently planning meet the need of our would be investor.
There is plan B which will be InsyaAllah take a longer time to put everything in order.. Hopefully current plan suffices.
Need all the dua's and istighfars from friends to get blessing from Allah swt...
That is true. With nine lives pretending dead is nothing. I should have thought of that. I wonder what C-i-S thinks of this, not offended, I hope.
Sdr Ayah Wan,
IaAm glad things are moving and that yo have got plan B as well.
It is not surprising free is associated with left over, things about to e discarded. This is normal. It does not worry me in the least but you cannot help feeling sorry for them.
dear pakchik, if she were to take umbrage, then i do apologise.
Do not worry, she is a perfect lady and can tell and take a joke.
the big picture of my brother really caught my attention..and almost make me laugh of his emotionless expression.pakcik, armin got his first offer to SM SAINS dungun. what do you think?
I understand that is a good school. Ask Admin himself how he likes to stay away from home. Only let him go if he truly wants to. Come and discuss with me if you need. I would certanly like to help him.
Pak Cik Hassan, I'm glad that the boys are back in class. Like i said before, sometimes they need the time off to enjoy the weather!
As for me, i really miss the rain and the waves and the strong wind... hopefully i can be back there the monsoon is over.
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