The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for the various groups of animals.
We are all familiar with a Herd of cows,
a Flock of chicken
a School of fish
and a Gaggle of geese.
However, less widely known is:
a Pride of lions,
a Murder of crows
(as well as their cousins the rooksand ravens),
an Exaltation of doves
and, presumably because they look so wise:

Now consider a group of Baboons.
And what is the proper collective noun for a group
of baboons?
Believe it or not . a Parliament
I guess that pretty much explains the things
that come out from the Parliament...
You just can't make this stuff up.
Berkhidmat kerana Tuhan untuk kemanusiaan
hahahaha... that's a good one, pakcik!!
And the most obedient of them all....a SCHOOL of fish! That's why I love fish...esp tuna....har har har *evil laughs*
dear Pakcik and Makcik,
Sorry for this late wish ....SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI...maaf zahir dan batin from all of us.
Mama & Dad
Brad, Angelina, Sebastian
Nicole, Micheal & Nikki
It is just a light-hearted piece, a break from serious topics.
Fish are clever because they go to school. How about a 'bunch' of cats for a group of hungry ones?
As I believed I am yet to qualify to join the congress and has lost my viciousness to join the parliament.. I guess I will have to join the fish and hope to progress (evolve as not so true Darwin's theory) to qualify to join the doves ;)
Man you sure know to enlightened my morning :)))))
Saya berbintang ikan, tapi kan....ikan bila malam dia hidup, bila siang dia mati....hehe...
(sesekali berteka -teki)
Selamat menyambung puasa enam hari di aidilfitri...
Dear Pak Cik,
I can't take it! Never heard some of them. Appeared exotic for some though. Just imagine, a parliament of baboons? Hilarious!
Ayoh Wang,
You must try to be in parliament one day, to be the head of those baboons.
Hahahaha.. pakcik, is that meant to be a compliment? i did a double take when i read your reply to 'ayoh wang'
Cikgu Humairi,
Saya mengaku kalah - hidup malam mati siang.
Kalau saya berbintang burung hantu bekerja malam tidur siang.
Beritahulah saya satu hari.
It was new to me too and I thought many woulkd like to enjoy this simple English lesson.
Don't be surprised with what I say to Ayoh Wang. We do in a way belong to the same species. It is always complimentary between us, fish one day and MPs another day to teach the baboons.
Why are so many baboons get away with their monkey business? Perhaps because there is no idiom -sepandai-pandai kera melompat ...
And a bankroll of YBs.
Selamat Hari Raya Abang Ngah (Raya Nang lah deh?), Kak Mah and all the anak and cucu.
Please please excuse my not so perfect England.
English from England returned home after serving in Malaya and carried tales of clever monkeys,baboons, monyet, kera, orang Utang and so on, of their skill jumping from trees to trees,of ability to run up coconut pulms to pick just the right fruit and imitating faces etc. It was seen appropriate to honour their MPs, many of whom are from Oxbridge, by giving 'parliamjent' to baboons etc.
Our people like Awang Goneng is certainly the right person to write on this subject.
Awang Goneng,
So that's what it is , a bankroll of YBs! I was thinking of a contract of sort.
Puasa enam baru mula. Jadi kami belum Raya Enam lagi lah. Mi and Zaharah in particular must be having a grand time with the recent Olympic.
Salaam from us. The whole clan (should it be another better word?)members were here for Hari Raya.
Sebenarnya ianya ada kaitan dengan 'a school of fish' tu dan jawapan teka-teki saya di atas adalah ikan seperti yang saya nyatakan.
....emak SIANG ikan di dapur....matilah ikan tuu....tiada kaitan dengan malam....cuma mengelirukan sahaja...hehe.
Sepertiya juga babun-babun yang bersidang di parlimen...hehe....tapi perbandingan ini bukanlah secara total!
Cikgu Humairi,
Sepatutnya orang Terengganu dengan serta merta terfikirkan 'siang ikang'. Satu percakapan hari hari. Itu lah kalau cuba hendak fikir secara ilmiah perkara yang remeh temeh!
Dear Pakcik, Sorry for the late wish. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin. Saya doakan pakcik dan keluarga sentiasa dalam limpahan rahmatNya.
I am equally guilty for the same reason. Harapnya Hara Raya berlalu dengan gembira. I realise the worry over the SPM baby. Did you once give me your email? I simply cannot trace it.
All the best until the next Hari Raya.
I like. 'congress of owls' makes a good title for a short film
Madam Blossom,
They are all very catch sayings.
Pakcik wonders why yoo are so late to get here. Must have been busy. Salaam to you.
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