13th May
It is a date, just like any other dates.
To all pupils of Almanar, past and present, the date means nothing. Perhaps when it is connected to the specific year of 1969 it may sound vaguely familiar, of something read from buku sejarah, perhaps?
This time last year Pakcik wrote about 13th May in my Pakcik reminisces ( Part 7).
I was there in the city where the curfew was imposed. Something happened in Kampong Baru. Blood had been shed.
As I mentioned in my earlier posting I had to play a small part during the curfew days. It was scary.
Allow me to repeat the incident I wrote in May last year involving a member of my staff.
I remember how badly shaken this Chinese-looking Malay clerk when he related to me how close he was to be butchered when an angry mob, with parang and all, stopped his car and dragged him out on the Federal Highway. His life was spared only by his utterance of ‘syahadah’ that convinced the blood thirsty group of his true identity.
In a way I was lucky to have a special pass to drive around in the city during the curfew. I was able to ferry to my house two families who were living in a somewhat ‘unsafe area’.
My house was a kind of temporary refuge for them.

We were in a state of war just because a group won an election and were over-zealous with victory,
A group was defeated and felt humiliated.
A time for revenge that was – 13th May 1969
And there was blood.
I do not fancy my children, their children and their children’s children to experience the fear that Pakcik felt then.
It is a date, just like any other dates.
To all pupils of Almanar, past and present, the date means nothing. Perhaps when it is connected to the specific year of 1969 it may sound vaguely familiar, of something read from buku sejarah, perhaps?
This time last year Pakcik wrote about 13th May in my Pakcik reminisces ( Part 7).
I was there in the city where the curfew was imposed. Something happened in Kampong Baru. Blood had been shed.
As I mentioned in my earlier posting I had to play a small part during the curfew days. It was scary.
Allow me to repeat the incident I wrote in May last year involving a member of my staff.
I remember how badly shaken this Chinese-looking Malay clerk when he related to me how close he was to be butchered when an angry mob, with parang and all, stopped his car and dragged him out on the Federal Highway. His life was spared only by his utterance of ‘syahadah’ that convinced the blood thirsty group of his true identity.
In a way I was lucky to have a special pass to drive around in the city during the curfew. I was able to ferry to my house two families who were living in a somewhat ‘unsafe area’.
My house was a kind of temporary refuge for them.

We were in a state of war just because a group won an election and were over-zealous with victory,
A group was defeated and felt humiliated.
A time for revenge that was – 13th May 1969
And there was blood.
I do not fancy my children, their children and their children’s children to experience the fear that Pakcik felt then.
Berkhidmat kerana Tuhan untuk kemanusiaan
A ‘Melayu Bangkit’ gathering was planned to be held in the new indoor stadium of K Terengganu. YAB Tun Dr Mahathir was to give the opening speech. Coincidentally, I had a morning off from Almanar, and this maybe the only occasion Dr Mahathir would ever come so close to my home. Without further ado I took an easy drive there, just about 8 km away. Whatever one may think of him, I enjoy Dr Mahathir’s talk, his cynicism and all. Alas, a small notice said that the gathering had been postponed. Disappointed I drove home, in the morning of May 13th
A ‘Melayu Bangkit’ gathering was planned to be held in the new indoor stadium of K Terengganu. YAB Tun Dr Mahathir was to give the opening speech. Coincidentally, I had a morning off from Almanar, and this maybe the only occasion Dr Mahathir would ever come so close to my home. Without further ado I took an easy drive there, just about 8 km away. Whatever one may think of him, I enjoy Dr Mahathir’s talk, his cynicism and all. Alas, a small notice said that the gathering had been postponed. Disappointed I drove home, in the morning of May 13th
13 Mei 1969 memang suatu tarikh yang patut menjadi ingatan kepada rakyat Malaysia berketurunan asing, Pakcik. Hari tumpah darah kerana ada rakyat yang lupa diri dan asal kerana kemenangan politik. Sayang, kerajaan tak berani menyambut hari itu dengn ceramah-ceramah berguna, takut menyebabkan huru-hara.
Saya sudah dapat menatap wajah Pakcik dan Makcik, alhamdulillah. Usia tidak menjadi persoalan, Pakcik. kerana suamu yg hidup akan suatu hari akan menjadi tua. Maaf jika saya edit gambar Pakcik untuk Facebook saya, supaya mudah diingat dan dapat menjadi perangsang setiap kertika. Kliklah tanda soal di sisi blog saya untuk melihat facebook itu dan gambar Pakcik. Jika Pakcik mahu gambar berdua dengan Makcik pun boleh saya masukkan. Saya telah masukkan semuanya dalam album saya.
How are you Pak Cik and Mak Cik?It was scary, wasn't it..
I was in std 1 at that time.All I can remember was my grandpa came to the teacher's quarters to ferry my mom,me n my siblings back to our kampung.Dad was teaching somewhere far in Mersing.So it was quite a moment for my mom.But I didnt feel anything at that time since I didnt know the situation..
Thanks for sharing...
Ribuan terima kasih. Sayang sekali belum dapat masuk facebook itu - tak pandailah. Jangan susah - saasalu allazi ahsanu minni fi haza
madam gold
Of course you were too small to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. Furthermore, the gravity of the situation was less felt outside KL and Selangor.
How is your 'youngest permata' and the 'abang seniors' problem? Hope to drop you a note shortly.
Salaam to you and family
Tragedi 13 Mei 1969 adalah titik hitam yang malang bagi tanahair kita. Petualang politik dan mereka yang biadab serta tak sedar diri telah menggunakan kesempatan itu untuk menimbulkan huru hara antara kaum.Sebenarnya saya berada diPasar Chow Kit sebelum rusuhan berlaku, tapi mujurlah ALLAH S.W.T. melindungi saya kerana sebaik saja sampai dirumah diSetapak maka saya terima berita yang rusuhan berlaku di Jalan Raja Muda sekarang (dulu Hale Road). Bila curfew dilonggarkan saya pergi hantar jiran kerumah MB Selangor untuk ambilkeretanya yang ditinggalkan, dan saya lihat apa yang tertera dalam gambar Pakcik.
Saya berdoa supaya tiada lagi tragedi seperti itu akan berulang, kerana malapetaka yang akan menimpa akan lebih dahsyat lagi, kerana peluru tidak bermata akan bermaharajalela semula dan tiada pihak yang inginkannya.
Dear Pakcik..
Even though the curfew happened a long time ago, without awareness among the politicians who play the blame game, it will not be a surprise when history repeats itself. Nowadays, when two political parties contend in an election, their supporters cannot even stand side by side as friends. If the Malays can no longer stand together what can we expect if 13th of May repeats itself..
Kita yang pernah melauinya faham betapa dahsyatnya. Seboleh-bolenya diajauhi Allah mala petaka seumpama itu terpaksa dilalui anak cucu kita. Harapan kita pihak yang berpolitik mengambil tindakan berani bukan cara yang berlaku sekarang.
Salaam kepada saudara sekeluarga
Saya baru terbaca tulisan sdr Mat Chicago itu. Jika kata-kata arwah Tengku Abdul Rahman yg dipetiknya itu betul, tentulah dia sangat-sangat patah hati kerana Tun Razak tidak akur lagi dengan pendiriannya. Namun jika 13 Mei tidak terjadi, mungkin ad pehak yg menjadi lebih lupakan daratan.
Mereka yg terkorban dalam kejadian berdarah itu harus dianggap sebagai korban krisis politik pada waktu itu dan patut diperingati.
History teaches us something.We learn and be guided for our future good.
Salaam Pakcik.
13th May was truly a black day for Malaysia and Malaysian. Until this very day only a handful who are still alive knew what really happened to trigger such a tragedy.
i stumbled upon this while looking for some answers.....
Inshaallah, one day the truth will be revealed.
Mat Chicago
Mat Chicago
I thank you for visiting and leaving your comments. However I feel duty bound to withhold what you quoted until you kindly let me know its source.
Saya luluskan kemasukan yang saudara baca tanpa meneliti terlebih dahulu. Saya rasa petikan itu munkin membawa satu gambaran yang boleh dipertikaikan. Dengan itu saya terpaksa meminta penulis memberi rujukkannya. Munkin ada yang lain daripada saudara yang telah membacanya. Saya mohon kemaafan.
I cannot not imagine how people suffered during that period. I am really grateful to Allah that you and family went through safely
The conseqences of such tragedy make many, Pakcik for one, shudder at the thought of going through another. But there are those who prefer to play different games and by different rules.
pakcik, nice writting.
semoga pakcik dan makcik terus bahagia~
M Khazaidi,
Thank you.
Will you please e-mail me?
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