Pak Cik have just received these beautiful pictures from my dear old friend, Ian Sanderson who now lives in the States ( see my earlier posting, Pak Cik Reminisces - Part 4) They had had 25 cm of snow.

To him and family, Pak Cik and family wish a merry X’mas. We wish merry X’mas to Jane and Peter Swarz, Julian Dalzell and family, who are all in the States. Our special wish goes to Pauline Ford of London who has just shortly lost her beloved mother. Our heart-felt condolences, Pauline. We remember it too well the day we took you, Pauline, and Nell on a tour of Masjid Negara. Likewise I wish merry X’mas to Christian visitors to this blog.

Will it be a white X’mas? Mi and Zaharah in London are sure to be out walking the Oxford Street for the beautiful lighting, or is it not there any more?
To Pak Cik's past and present Almanar pupils: Look at those beautiful snow-covered scenes that you have all read about in books like Jane Eyre, and imagine that one day you have a chance to see them for real - a change from the current monsoon rains and the sound of heavy waves lashing our shore now, day and night.
To him and family, Pak Cik and family wish a merry X’mas. We wish merry X’mas to Jane and Peter Swarz, Julian Dalzell and family, who are all in the States. Our special wish goes to Pauline Ford of London who has just shortly lost her beloved mother. Our heart-felt condolences, Pauline. We remember it too well the day we took you, Pauline, and Nell on a tour of Masjid Negara. Likewise I wish merry X’mas to Christian visitors to this blog.
Will it be a white X’mas? Mi and Zaharah in London are sure to be out walking the Oxford Street for the beautiful lighting, or is it not there any more?
To Pak Cik's past and present Almanar pupils: Look at those beautiful snow-covered scenes that you have all read about in books like Jane Eyre, and imagine that one day you have a chance to see them for real - a change from the current monsoon rains and the sound of heavy waves lashing our shore now, day and night.
Abang Ngah, we went out walking along Queensway last night and had waffles and ice cream. It was a walk down memory lane , trying to remember what's gone and what used to be where.
The lights are out in Oxford street though not as meriah as before - credit crunch.
Have a good holiday, Abang Ngah and Kak Mah.
Each time we take a nostalgic journey we are disappointed. Things can never be as good as they were. So we have no wish to see the Boots/Underwoods or the Whiteleys or the flat on Chapel Side or the 99 Westbourne Terrace or the Malaysian Hall. Kak Mah and Abang Ngah would want to keep them as they were - so no visit to London,full stop!
I Have forgotten something. The snow of the white x'mas in 1958 in Loughborough, 50 years ago, was definitely WHITER than the snow anywhere in UK this winter - and the flakes were much much more fluffy by any standard! You need to be there to believe this.
Salam Pak Ngah,
"Look at those beautiful snow-covered scenes that you have all read about in books like Jane Eyre, and imagine that one day you have a chance to see them for real - a change from the current monsoon rains and the sound of heavy waves lashing our shore now, day and night.."
I imagined that when I was young while surrounded by books in a school library in a village called Kg.Penjom,Kuala Lipis.
Alhamdulillah,not so long after that,I taste my first snow in Bradford.It was all began with a book.
Can I link your blog to mine?Insya Allah,if I will be in KT, I will drop by.
Iskandar aka DR Bubbles
Welcome to our small family of Almanar. By all means link us to you.I would like to know a bit more about what that young chap did in Bradford, that sounds vaguely familiar. Use my e-mail contact if you wish.
Abang Ngah, Dr Bubbles or Iskandarsyah is a close friend of mine. He has been tirelessly equipping libraries at orphanages since he received some free book tokens. And he has been doing some wonderful work. Do visit his blog - and you can see the libraries that he and his friends had helped build.
I did visit his blogs. I am very pleased to see enthusiasm among the younger generation, particularly the better educated ones, in contributing something selflessly. Thank you for the introduction.
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