Look at the height of one older than Rayyan's granpa.
Rayyan dwarfed against the giant tree
Looking at the picture of the durian tree in Pakcik’s last posting, we cannot but wonder in awe at its size, its height, its total strength and age. The presence of that little boy, Rayyan, standing at the foot of the tree should help our imagination of its immensity. And casually I remarked that the tree was ‘older than Rayyan’s grandpa’. The grandfather of my other half, who planted the tree, probably lived long enough to taste the fruit of his work. But I cannot help feeling that his real reason was to leave something for the benefit of his younger generations, more than for himself. To-date four generations have benefited and this may not yet be the end. As I reflect on nature, the like of the surf, the sea, the coconut trees and so on which I have posted, I cannot help thinking of a beautiful parable in the Quran. Verse 24 of Surah Ibrahim says:
Sayyid Abdul A’la Mawdudi gave the following understanding: “ Do you not see how Allah given the example of a good word? It is like a good tree, whose root is firmly fixed, and whose branches reach the sky.” This is followed by the following verse (25):
Mawdudi’s understanding: “ Ever yielding its fruit in every season with the leave of its Lord. Allah gives examples for mankind that they may take heed.”
In his explanatory note, Prof Dr Hamka explained that the ‘good word’ is ISLAM itself which is built on the tree, the fundamental ‘LA ILAHI ILLALLAH.’
Mawdudi went a long way to explain verse 25 by saying: " 'The good word' is so highly productive that, were individuals or groups of people to base their lives on it, they will continually benefit from the good results ensuing from it. For it brings about clarity in thought, stability in attitude ………justice and compassion in economy, honesty in politics, magnanimity in war, sincerity in peace, and faithfulness in covenant. Like Midas, everything that it touches turns into gold.”
A large durian tree, that bears fruit season after season, is not known in the Arab world. Yet its likeness is described in Quran – as a parable which ought to be better understood by us than the Arabs, and be put into practice as well. Let us reflect for a moment. Suhanallah.
Berkhidmat kerana Tuhan untuk kemanusiaan.
I went to Slim Saturday afternoon to enjoy Durians on the farm and send the oner your kid regards.. and here you are using our king of fruit as the subject of the parable in The Book.
A beautiful take..I always find your post very beautiful when you have something from your handwriting. be it from the Book or from he Hadiths.. Alhamdlillah
Salam Pak Cik
I just heard the news that your friend Ustaz Malek (in Sydney) telah kembali ke rahmatullah. Al Fatihah.
Dear Pakcik,
Applying the same parable, is this why people in the old days plant a coconut tree whenever a child is born? So the benefit from that tree may be reaped by the child when he grows? purrr....meow!
Ayah Wan,
Your call was a surprise. Thank you. Could you email me some news about your trip and about the host whom I am rather curious about - this curiousity business comes from associating oneself with cats etc.
Alfatihah for my dear old friend, Ustaz Malek and frieds who have preceeded us. How coincidental that only a few days ago I came across an old letter from him and a group photograph,; it occured to me to write a posting. Right now my memory goes way back to 1950/1952 - SIXTY yeras ago! Rabbul masyriki wal maghribi. La yamutu abadan.
My first thought was that the above message was from you since you know Allah yarm Ustaz Malek. I am not sure. I am truly, truly saddened by this news, one which for a while I had been dreading to receive - the inevitable for us all. I am sorry that suddenly I have lost my light-hearted mood for the moment. I have tears in my eyes - so much beautiful memories of our times together. Alfatihah.
In response to your comment, I would say yes provided the palm is planted with Bismillah ( His name ) believing in Lailah illallah - 'the good word'
Thank you for direction towards the tree and the fruits plus its majestic size. Yes our grandfathers and fathers too invested in planting the seeds that grew into full heights. Either coconut or fruit trees. Us? What have we planted? Can we look back and say proudly " I have dug the earth and single handedly planted a rambutan / mangosteen / mango etc.? For those that have done so, it is so good to go back and reap the fruits when the season comes about.
May I quote what is written in Surah Yassin ".... Salah satu tanda ( kekuasaan Allah) untuk mereka perhatikan ialah bumi yang mati, Kami hidupkan bumi itu dan Kami keluarkan daripadanya biji-bijian, maka daripadanya mereka makan. Dan Kami jadikan di bumi itu kebun-kebun tamar dan anggur serta kami pancarkan padanya beberapa mata air, Supaya mereka dapat makan daripada buah-buahan dan daripada apa yang diusahakan oleh tangan mereka, maka mengapakah mereka masih tidak bersyukur?
Setiap kali terlintas pada ayat ini saya juga tertanya-tanya. Wassalam
Betul kata tuan betapa hebatnya surah Yasin yang dibaca dirumah, dimasjid hingga ditanah perkuburan. Apakah kesannya surah surah ini kepada kita semua dari segi amalan dan sikap kita dalam hidup harian? Itulah perlunya kita memperingati satu sama lain.
Salam Pakcik AlManar,
Reading your post just now reminds me on satu pepatah Arab:
"Al'ilmu bi laa 'amalin ka syajarah bi laa thamarah" (please correct me if I am wrong)
-ilmu tanpa amalan seperti sepohon pokok tanpa buah.
'Ilmun bila amalin kasyajaratin bila thamarin'. You are right thinking it that way - what use is to be highly educated?
Dear Pakcik,
I was about to tell you excitedly that my delima and kedundung trees are fruiting...then I read the news about your good friend.
Pomegranates lie in wait
From the precarious moment
Its seed germinates
Such is life's momentum
From birth to blossoms
Bearing fruits in service
Until the earth welcomes
Newly scattered seeds
Seeds of awareness
For, what is a tree without fruits ?
Hamba berdoa
Hamba memohon
Harapnya berbunga
Sebatan pohon
Biarpun tak berbau
Biarpun tak berwarna
Yang hamba mahu
Buahnya berguna
Harimau dan manusia
Belang dan nama
Apa guna
Kepada Mu Tuhan ku
Aku memohon
Dosa nya dosa ku
Semoga diampun
Thank you Nino. There is no way I can do justice to the way you put it.
Wah.. seronok nie.. perang puisi antara Ninot dan Pakcik.. Ayoh Wang tumpang gembira.. sambil membaca kadang kadang termanggu.. dok faham pun ada jugok.. nok kata scientist sangat pun dok jugok.. nok tebeng mengarang puisi .. heih perlukan masa yang terlalu lama.. lama berdooh.. buat masa nie tumpang gembira aje lah..ha..ha
Ayah Wan,
Don't worry. I know you are quite an all-rounder with wide talent. Keep to your programme, in the blog sphere as well the personal project.
The parables are most beautiful. It crossed one's mind that the opposite is true too. A tree with rotten roots will produce (if at all) rotten fruits. How many rotten, despicable "trees" we see out there blossoming in our courtyard and outside alike, like no end. Social ills, vices and what not. Disheartening indeed, but despair not i tell myself! rotten trees don't last.
Pakcik's No.2
Well done. You have expanded the principle to the reverse side of the picture.
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