Next week we hope to start classes for Form 1 and 2 pupils. So Pakcik is starting to be kept busy again, and with more enthusiasm as well.
Not long ago the position was one of despair. It even crossed Pakcik’s mind to call it a day. But now unexpected help has come to keep Almanar running at full swing again. Soon children will come and go by vanloads.
To end this longish posting allow Pakcik to quote part of a short Surah from AlQuran, Surah Alnasr (no 110). I am drawn to think of this Surah because it is so strange to see certain parts of the Surah carrying ertain similarity to what is happening at Almanar.
It has been widely documented that this Surah was known to be the last Surah to be revealed to the Prophet (SAW)in its complete form. When he first recited this, a couple of his companions were seen to shed tears. They understood the implication of this Surah, a signal that the Prophet had completed his mission on earth. This Surah was revealed about the time our Prophet gave his famous Great Farewell Speech (khutbah alwada’), giving a clear indication of pending departure. True enough, within a couple of months from these two incidents, our Prophet (SAW) left us.
When comes Allah’s help, and victory; and you see people joining Allah’s religion in droves; give glory to your Lord and seek His pardon …..
And now I see the help He has given and how suddenly droves of new pupils coming to Almanar – and I say ‘Subhanakallah waghfirli zanbi.’ For me a great challenge lies ahead and for these very poor children and orphans I cannot afford to fail.
Berkhidmat kerana Tuhan untuk kemanusiaan
If I'm there, I do not mind to give a helping hand.
Even to sweep the floor...
It's amal jariah, after all.
Aptly titled -Alhamdulillah.. May Allah shower all his believing servants who are/will be striving to serve Him -AlFath and allow them (to be like you) to say Glory be to you, Oh Allah! and Do forgive all my sins (transgressions?)
Pak Cik,
All the best to you, hopefully you will be granted fresh spirit from Allah to teach them. Give me a call when you are in need. I am very pleased to lend you a hand :)
Bless you for the charitable thought
Ayah Wang,
I say amen to that
You have already lent a hand to reorganise our library. I cannot thank you enough ss it is.
dear pakchik, i wish you the best of everything in this honourable undertaking of yours. may ALLAH make it easy for you. you see them as blessings bestowed on you. i see that those children are very blessedly lucky to have you. mudah2an pakchik...
I am so happy for you.
Dear Pakcik,
I'm appointing myself as the official pet of Darul Akhyar....hehehe...Alhamdulillah. May the blessings of the Almighty be bestowed upon you and your undertakings. I'd love to lend a hand too. Coincidentally, yesterday Mama gave a talk to some poor kids who are currently studying at boarding schools. She also taught them how to make a sandwich. purr...meow!
If there is success at the end of the day, credit must go to the school in the first instance and the children's home. We give the extra bit that helps to tilt the balance, so to speak.
Thank you. I am happy just to be a part of it, just as you yourself are doing. Remove the school and all, we can achieve next to nothing.
Kind thoughts are what we all need to feel that we are not alone. It is better we can have some sandwiches with catfish spread ...
Dear Pak Cik,
Alhamdulillah! A fulfillment and a responsibility all rolled into one and happening at the same time. It is a challenge most apt and wishing you All the Best. I'm glad!
InsyaAllah hasrat murni Pakcik akan di berkati dan di beri balasan yang berganda2 didunia dan akhirat...
Akhi Hank, it is indeed a challenge as you said. I only hope that it is not an insurmountable one, which can very well be.
Hasrat memang ada tetapi kemampuan sepenohnya belum tentu. Kalau doktor yang pakar seklipun janganlah pesakit dah sampai tahap tk ada harapan. Terima kasih P3.
Pak Cik,
It is the Will of ALLAH that you continue the Amal Jariah,which shall be the Fountain of Rewards in Hereafter.May the Grace of ALLAH bestow you the steadfastness and perseverance in hemming AlManar to it's destiny for posterity.
Saya doakan semoga Allah SWT mengurniakan kesihatan tubuh badan, jasmani dan rohani demi meneruskan niat suci dan ikhlas berbakti di jalanNya.Ameen..
Will get back to you later. taniah diatas kejayaan
Akhi AHS,
Terima kasih. Saya sedih membaca berita terakhir dari Cork.
Doa yang baik untuk kita semua.Ameen. Masing masing ada tugasnya. Tak ada seorang pun dapat elak dari hakikat ini. Kadang kadang tak terfikir.
Saya pun terkenang hendak mendengar berita dari Kotastar, terutama selepas melihat siaran yang meluas tentang Kirkby bari baru ini.
Will be waiting for some news from you.
Salaam hormat.
The ustaz reminded us in his ceramah last night that as true muslims we must never be satisfied with the level of ibadah that we have attained, as that would actually mean creating a stumbling block to getting ourselves closer to Allah. We should, he said, continue to upgrade our ibadah both in terms of its quantity and quality. And we know that you are certainly doing just that. May Allah give you His unending guidance and love and bestow upon you His endless blessings! Salam bahagia.
Dear Temuk,
That ustaz knew what he was talking about. But how many among the audience really understood appreciate his talk?
You were generous with your doa. May you be equally blessed.
Salaam hormat
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