Unhappy with their awarded grade for Bahasa Malaysia, three pupils requested for a review which brought cheers. They have been awarded A grade in the subject after all. They have, therefore, joined their colleagues of all 8As. The final tally of results for Almanar-assisted candidates now stands as follows :
Grade: 8As - 8 students
Grade: 7As - 5 students
Grade: 6As - 2 students
Grade: 5As - 1 student
Total - 16 students
Equally heartening to us is the news that two more pupils have been offered admission into boarding schools, an SBP and a MRSM.
Grade: 8As - 8 students
Grade: 7As - 5 students
Grade: 6As - 2 students
Grade: 5As - 1 student
Total - 16 students
Equally heartening to us is the news that two more pupils have been offered admission into boarding schools, an SBP and a MRSM.

2007 PMR students in Almanar main room
Assalamualaikum pak cik..I am Azani and hope you still remember me, a friend of Shimah and Hasidah Side,.a plum and chubby girl who loved to laugh in your class. I want to express my gratitude and appreciation to you pak cik, for teaching me, though for a short time before I went into form five. I still remember the welcoming face that greeted us when we joined your class. I loved the way you taught us grammar and mathematics for PMR. And later I requested for your help in add maths when I was in form 4. You helped me to get A in the subject in the monthly tests instead of failing in that subject during form four. And thank god I managed to get 3B for add Maths in my SPM. Somehow you motivated me and raise my level of confidence. I hope to be an English teacher one day.
If you remember I went to visit you at your house last Hari Raya. May allah bless you with health and wealth so that you can keep on serving the community. To me you were generous and I hope you will pray for my future success. Thank you a lot pak cik.
my e mail -neurule@yahoo.com-
To sir with love – PMR 2000, SPM 2002
Assalamualaikum pak cik..how are you today??I hope you are in the pink of health..i am azura and i hope you still remember me..i had joined your class in form 1 until i got a chance to further my study in MRSMKT.pak cik,you have taught me a lot of things and i love the way you taught us grammar,science and nmathematics until i managed to get A's for the subjects in PMR and SPM....pak cik..thanks a lot because yau have suggested me to join this course,radiography (x-ray).Now,i am at sem 5 in UDM and learn more things about radiography.i am keen to finish my study here..and i hope to be a good radiographer one day...please pray for my success..please send my regards to mak cik..love both of you very much.may Allah bless you.thank you..Assalamualaikum...
Azana and Azura
Thanks you for your kind words. I remember you both. Do visit our home again.
With your permission I would like to do a short write-up on both of you some day.
Pak Cik
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